The articles of the selected speakers will be published in the online journal of the Caucasus International University "International Journal of Social Sciences", which is double anonymous peer-reviewed, funded by the University, and is in open access. The journal is a member of Crossref, articles are assigned a DOI and are visible in Google Scholar. A "special edition" will be published for the Conference, which will be fully dedicated to research on innovation and entrepreneurship. The articles will be presented in two languages, Georgian and English
Before submitting an article, authors are requested to carefully review the Authors’ Guide and verify the compliance of the article with all of the criteria listed below:
- The article has not been published or submitted to another journal for publication (in the latter case, please provide an explanation).
- The article should be sent in Microsoft Word format and the identity of the author should not be read from the text (except for the components given after the conclusion, where the contributions of the authors, etc. may be described).
- Volume and format - the volume of articles - 2500-12000 words in Georgian language; In the case of the English version, 3000-13000 words. English text should be Times New Roman, font size 12, Georgian text should be Sylfaen, font size 12. Spacing between lines - 1.15.
- In addition to the above, the content structure as well as the stylistic and bibliographic requirements given in the Authors' Guide must be fully complied with.
- The article should be sent to
- The abstract should be given both at the beginning of the article and should be sent as a separate file in Georgian and English languages (in accordance with the instructions of the Authors' Guide). The abstract should present:
- After determining its compliance with technical and content parameters, the article is checked for plagiarism (text matching) through an electronic program.
- The program report includes information about the sources to which the text to be checked matches;
- The matching of the text of any volume by the program is considered by the editorial board, after which the question of its further course will be decided.
- In case of a positive decision after checking for plagiarism, the article undergoes a double anonymous peer-review, according to which neither the author nor the reviewers have information about each other's identity.
- Reviewers may be members of the editorial board or may be selected by the editor in consultation with the editorial board depending on the specific field of the article to be published.
- Reviewers should be successful scientists working in the relevant field of the article, who should not work at the university/institution where the authors of the article work.
- In case of one positive and one negative review, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, by whom the issue of publishing the article will be decided.
- In addition to a positive or negative review, the reviewer may give the author specific guidelines for revising the article. The author has the opportunity to submit a modified article or a justification for not considering the guidelines. In this case, the review and the author's position will be considered by the editorial board and a decision will be made to publish/not publish the article.